Two French navy ships docked in the port of Ushuaia

It is a helicopter carrier and a frigate of the French Navy that travel the world on a training trip and joint operations with other countries.

5 de May de 2024 22:29

The helicopter carrier seen from behind, moored in the Port of Ushuaia. Photography courtesy: @alejolima73 /@malvinasdata

Since this Sunday morning, the inhabitants of Ushuaia were able to see the Tonnerre helicopter carrier ship and the Guépratte frigate of the French National Navy , moored to the dock of the capital of Tierra del Fuego, which are traveling around the world as part of the “Jeanne d' Operation”. 'Arc 2024'.

During recent weeks, the units that make up the French mission have had active participation in the Caribbean Sea and the South Atlantic, which included military exercises with the Argentine Navy.

Both ships come from an operation in the Caribbean with the evacuation of troops in Haiti, then exercises with the Brazilian Navy, which will continue in the Valparaiso area in Chile in conjunction with the Navy of that country, where they will continue their journey. tomorrow

The Tonnerre transports a large number of amphibious units and helicopters within the framework of what this trip includes, academic and operational activities around the world at the conclusion of the training of its future officers.

The passage through Ushuaia will only be a resupply stopover and tomorrow they will leave for Chile. Days before arriving in Ushuaia, the Argentine Navy destroyer “La Argentina” exercised with the helicopter carrier and the frigate. 

The activity carried out in the Argentine Sea included the Exercises called PASSEX , and had the objective of “improving interoperability”, including the participation of the aforementioned French ships, together with the destroyer ARA “La Argentina” (DELA), the icebreaker ARA “ Almirante Irízar” (RHAI) and a Beechcraft B-200 aircraft from the Naval Air Maritime Surveillance Squadron, which operated from the Punta Indio Naval Air Base.”


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