"Demalvinized with history": the book that gives voice to the unrecognized soldiers of the war

It will be presented on August 22 in Córdoba, with stories from the authors who seek to make visible combat experiences on the Patagonian coasts recognized even by the British themselves, but which the Argentine Armed Forces deny.

8 de August de 2024 09:32

The voice to the Malvinas ex-combatants who participated from the continent.

On Thursday , August 22 , the Agustín Tosco room of the Luz y Fuerza union of Córdoba will be the scene of the launch of the book "Desmalvinizados con historia" , a work that seeks to give visibility to the experiences of former soldiers, who during the war for recovery of the Malvinas Islands, they guarded the Patagonian coasts of the South Atlantic and in several cases, stopped the enemy's incursions into the continent, which the British military themselves recognize, unlike the Ministry of Defense and the Argentine Armed Forces, they keep unknowingly hidden.

César Ortíz , one of the ex-soldiers who shares his story in the book , fervently expresses the importance of this project: " We have written a book that is stories of unrecognized war veterans where we really capture a little-known recent history and the idea is to transmit to society everything that we did for the country."

For César , this work is not only an act of personal vindication , but also a call to the conscience of Argentine society .

Ortíz 's testimony reveals the difficult and complex reality experienced by many of these Argentines who until 1985 were recognized by the State as ex-combatants. " We are the same as before. Unfortunately, we, through the post-truth of certain sectors, are going through concealment as we have been suffering for so long," he said in a forceful criticism of the lack of official recognition of those who also fulfilled their role as defend the Homeland, in one of the most painful episodes in Argentine history.

César shares his personal story, recalling what he claims was a nighttime confrontation with British tactical divers in Comodoro Rivadavia . Despite having a record of his effort in the diary of the time, he feels that his sacrifice has been reduced to becoming "NN of history." "We are the NN of history," he states sadly, underlining the invisibility that surrounds those who were part of the conflict but are not officially recognized .

"We want to invite everyone because this book really captures stories that will move you because they are stories that we all have to know," he emphasized, echoing the collective desire of those who feel the need to share their experiences.


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