Free access to the electrical consumption of the users of the Provincial Energy Directorate of Tierra del Fuego (DPE), which can be made by anyone, allows Agenda Malvinas to ensure that, even in passive or presumably turned off mode, the radar of LeoLabs Argentina SRL , subsidiary of two foreign companies, one based in Dublin and the other in London and installed in Tolhuin; It continues to operate. And in that case, working. Which means receiving and sending encrypted information to the headquarters in California, the same as shared by the company's other five stations in the northern hemisphere.
The billing is actually in the name of LeoLabs Argentina SRL , and not the owner of Estancia El Relincho Vicente Castellano . The user number is 558-043-000 , the supply number is 41424 and the meter number is 3821169. The electricity bill arrives at Campo, whose address is on National Route No. 3, km 2946.
Although billing refers to bimonthly consumption records, the DPE indicated that the data is monthly.
And in the breakdown of consumption records, it can clearly be seen that the ground station or radar has indeed continued to operate beyond the fact that on June 22, the company itself assured that the device had been turned off by national order and that later, on June 30, month; A group of professionals and officials from the Undersecretary of Telecommunications and Connectivity of the Head of the Cabinet of Ministers flew to the province, went to Tolhuin and said they had verified that it was turned off and the key was OFF.
The public data, already in sight, leave no doubt. In the month of June, where the DPE invoiced the consumption for the month of May while works were still being carried out, there was a demand of 9246.60 KW . While in July and August the demand previous recorded, was 2164 KW and 2146.40 KW respectively. Absolutely high values for an electronic system, which, according to the supposed experts and the company itself, is turned off.
The question that arose was to know if the consumption could come from the existence of the perimeter lighting of the sector occupied by the radar, or if the same line was taking and supplying the buildings, workshops, stables or sheds of the Estancia El Relincho.
Last night, it was found that there is no lighting in the perimeter occupied by the radar and from the DPE 's own distribution in Ushuaia and Tolhuin they assured that the Estancia still does not have the service. The aerial wiring that enters El Relincho underground, exclusively supplies the radar.An existing alpha meter on site records the permanent and constant consumption that gives life to the installed appliances.
The company created a Banelco card for automatic payment of electricity consumption.