Governor Gustavo Melella ratified the importance of addressing the reform of the Fuegian Constitution , and targeted political leaders who oppose the initiative. " Some parties talk so much about ending the privileges of politics but they oppose the reform ," he stated.
" When this Constitution was made, which was wonderful, what exists today did not exist. Everyone talks about the Greater Province and in our Constitution the new limits are not incorporated, the Malvinas or the defense of 19640 are not clearly included, " he exemplified. .
For the president, " the Constitution belongs to the people of Fuegian and does not belong to politics. Why can't we think about a reform as we propose? In politics, for example, where privileges end and where some sectors that always, in some way, "They managed the direction of the province, don't manage it anymore ."
" It seems to me that there are some who are very tied to those privileges and we have to end it. We have to look forward because the Province has changed ," he added.