The Ministry of Defense digitized more than 2,488 documents from the Malvinas War

It was carried out by civil and military personnel of the three Armed Forces.

27 de October de 2023 10:15

It is the first digitalization project of the Ministry of Defense of the Nation.

The Ministry of Defense, led by Jorge Taiana , reported that within the framework of the Malvinas 40 Years Project , the National Directorate of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law of this portfolio, completed the tasks of digitization and making the documentary collections available for consultation. about the Malvinas War kept in the Historical Archives of the Armed Forces.

“This digitalization project means taking another step on the path we are traveling to return to Malvinization, in the face of so many political and power sectors that have attempted a demalvinization strategy in Argentina,” said Taiana.

“We are proud to have made progress on a State debt by expanding access to information about the War and enriching the possibilities of knowledge and study of this emblematic event in our history.

By Agenda Malvinas


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