The Kelpers chicane Melella for his defense of the English radar in Tierra del Fuego

“You let them in and seemed to actively support them when they challenged you,” Kelper legislator Gavin Short reminded the Fuegian governor.

22 de July de 2024 16:08

Gavin Short (left) and Stacy Bragger (right), legislators of the illegitimate British legislature in the Malvina Islands.

The defense at all costs of the English radar installed in the town of Tolhuin by the Fuegian governor, under the argument that it is not a device with the capacity to carry out espionage and military intelligence in Argentine territory; generated ridicule among the legislators of the British colony that usurps the Malvinas, after the company LeoLabs itself cleared up all kinds of doubts by announcing a strategic alliance with the Space Command and the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom , for space monitoring in military matters. of the British Tyche satellite project.

To the post on legislator kelpers came to the intersection Gavin Phillip Short, who also for X told him the following: As far as I can understand, you let them in and seemed to actively support them when they challenged you. I'll sit back and enjoy the comedy (again). Let's get a truck full of popcorn :-)


From what I can understand, you let them in and seemed to be actively supporting them when you were challenged. I shall sit back and enjoy the comedy (again). Off to get a truckload of popcorn :-)

In this way, the governor of Tierra del Fuego demonstrated an inability to listen to all those who warned about the danger of the radar in sovereign terms, including the Ministry of Defense and the entire space scientific field of Argentina that warned him; and having given arguments to the usurpers of the Malvinas, to ridicule them for their ununderstandable and suspicious persistence in favor of foreign interests.


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