British ship's mission in Argentine waters approved to benefit illegal fishing in the Malvinas

The approval of the RRS James Cook was granted by the Federal Fisheries Council. Chubut and Buenos Aires expressed their opposition but the question remains as to the actions of the Government of Tierra del Fuego.

30 de November de 2024 08:19

The pirate mission will take place between December 26 and 30, 2024, and from January 2 to 30, 2025.

This is an absolutely reprehensible act and is detrimental to the defense of Argentina's claim to sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands and the South Atlantic , territories usurped by Great Britain since 1833.

The RRSS James Cook will carry out an assessment of the quality and quantity of fishery resources in Argentine waters to provide scientific information to the Kelpers so that they can sell the Argentine migratory fishery resource .

It means that Argentina will provide information to enrich the coffers of the British usurpers with the first product of its income: illegal fishing in the Malvina Islands .

It is also striking that the government of the Argentine province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands has not yet expressed its opposition and public repudiation. At the same time, the provinces of Chubut and Buenos Aires have expressed their opposition.

These types of scientific agreements began in 1997 with the government of Carlos Menem , then in 2006 they were cancelled by the government of Néstor Kirchner ; ten years later with the Foradori-Duncan agreement of President Mauricio Macri they were authorized , being effective in 2018. However, again when Alberto Fernández took office, the national government cancelled it again.

Now they are on the move again , which means another setback in Argentina's claim to sovereignty and against British colonialism and its usurpation of the Malvina Islands .

The Federal Fisheries Council instructed that the British authorities be informed of the approval and stressed the importance of demanding that the scientific data be delivered to the Argentine Republic.

The vessel will operate from December 26 to 30, 2024 , and from January 2 to 30, 2025 .



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Ricardo Walter guerra 1 month ago

Cuesta y duele aceptar que no exista una unión política nacional de los distintos polos políticos en ser una solo corazón y cuerpo junto por una soberanía nacional justa en opinión y esfuerzo a objetivos en hacer respetar nuestros derechos acordé a las relaciones internacionales soberanas de los países en el planeta

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